Sunday, September 12, 2010

my mobile marketing

I haven't seen this much "buzz" about
a new product in Internet marketing for a

… maybe because it's *rare* to
see something that introduces something
totally NEW -- and at just the right time
for you to jump in and make an easy


Adam Horwitiz, the 18-year-old superaffiliate
behind Mobile Monopoly, racked up over
[**NUMBER**] comments on his blog over the
last few days when he started leaking just
a "taste" of what was coming…

(I think that has to be some
kind of record for a "non guru")…

… and now (if you hurry) Adam's letting
you grab the full Mobile Monopoly course
showing how he consistently makes
$1,005.12 A DAY putting easy little ads

Check it out now, while the "fast action"
bonuses last:


P.S. I mean it -- you've NEVER seen this
before (confession: this is even new to
me, and I've been in this game for a while)…
and right now it's incredibly EASY to make it
BIG in mobile for pocket change -- way
easier than PPC, SEO, article marketing
or any of the "same old" tactics that are
just about impossible to "break into"…

Don't wait on this -- you can literally be
making money this afternoon, so you
owe it to yourself to find out what all the "buzz"
is about right here:


Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Open this attach file and see the good news I have for you and reply as soon as possible

Friday, July 9, 2010

Awesome Blog on Real Estate

Real Estate Marketing Blog

Real Estate Articles

Vidal & Associates Internet Business Consultants and Real Estate Marketing

Leo J. Vidal, JD, MA, CPA, President
Author of "Top Secrets of Quick Home Sales" and "How to Set Up an Automatic, Endless Leads Program Online"
Toll Free Phone & Fax: 1-800-535-4072

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Regarding your ATM Visa Card package.

My Friend,

I have been waiting for you to contact me regarding your Loaded ATM Electronic Visa Card of $3,000.000.00 to no avail. Since I did not hear from you, I packaged your ATM Visa Card attached with bank instruction letter that will assist you withdraw daily maximum of $10,000.00 from any ATM Cash Point Machine in the USA and hand over the package containing the Visa Card with your name and address attached on it to an old friend Mr. Mark Manuel Anders, a Citizen of America (from Texas) whom I meet at the air-port on his visit to Ghana.

Mr. Anders told me that he will be traveling back to Texas-USA the following day after his visit to Obuasi, and he promised to send the package to you once he gets back to Texas.

Please if you have not received your package from Mr. Anders, you are advised to contact him at ( ) for his urgent action in sending the package to you. Please note that I did not tell him the real content of your package for security reasons. I will not be contacting you soon because my bank gave me eight months medical vacation to UK and I will be also traveling to India for my kidney surgery and might not return soon. Please always pray for my quick recovering and write me once you receive your package.

Yours truly,

Mr. Rawson Annan.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Hire Me, Hire Google and You Can Be Number One

Vidal & Associates Internet Business Consultants
         Planning, Marketing & Management of Online Business Ventures

Real Estate Marketing Specialists


Sell Your Home Quickly Using Our State of the Art

Advanced Real Estate Marketing Program


We help FSBO home sellers sell their homes more quickly

at higher prices than they can do on their own.


Many of Our Services are Free of Charge --

Call our 800 Number for Details on How You Immediately Benefit


We will give you a free real estate listing and advertisements in our

extensive Anne Arundel County network of websites and directories.


Receive more exposure for your property, and more traffic to visit your home --

These are the keys to selling your home quickly at the highest price.


Call 800-535-4072 Now for Immediate Help

Vidal & Associates Internet Business Consultants and Real Estate Marketing

Leo J. Vidal, JD, MA, CPA, President
Author of "Top Secrets of Quick Home Sales" and "How to Set Up an Automatic, Endless Leads Program Online"
Toll Free Phone & Fax: 1-800-535-4072

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Leonard Vidal <>
Date: Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 2:17 PM
Subject: Ucanbenumberone Wealth2010 coolest Blogger is:
To: Leo Vidal <>, Leo Vidal <>, Leo Vidal <>, Leo Vidal <>,

Vidal & Associates Internet Business Consultants and Real Estate Marketing

Leo J. Vidal, JD, MA, CPA, President
Author of "Top Secrets of Quick Home Sales" and "How to Set Up an Automatic, Endless Leads Program Online"
Toll Free Phone & Fax: 1-800-535-4072